Friday, February 26, 2010


---------INSERT IMAGE OF MS DOS!-----------
DOS is microsoft disk operating system.Booting is first program to be executed when computer is switched on.DOS is entirely text based.To communicate with DOS, the screen has a prompt where you enter a command.Case insensitive means that does not matter if you upper case or lower case the letters An example would be"C:>" "c:>"4 useful things to learn about DOS. set path, prompt, wildcard, filename.
SET PATH=directory path will force DOS to look in theses directories? in a file name means filename stands for any digit or letter* in a file name means wildcard combination of digits or letters. in a directory path stands for directory above current directory7 very useful DOS commands. A: change current directory path to floppy disk. C: change current directory path to hard disk drive. DIR- display current directory. MD- make ne directory. CD- change current directory. COPY- copy files from one place to another. DEL- delete erase file.
Explain Three requirements that must be met for a file to be named include name, period,3 letter extensionAn example:promgram.doc
In DOS directories named by every disk has root directory can have subdirectories name in same formal as filenames, drive letter is followed by colon, directory path names are separated.
An example would be "A:"

Friday, February 19, 2010


Find an image of a LEGO RobotWhat is it? What can it do? What can you make it do?Find an image of a cool Logo that you really like.What is it for? Do the colors mean anything specifically? Why do you like it so much? its a robot that looks like a weird old creature. it can move, pick up things, and you can program it to do what you want.whatever you want to make it do.

the logo is for a skateboarding company. the colors are just there because they thought they were cool looking colors to put on the logo. I like it because it advertises skateboarding and the brand of the company.

If you created a logo for yourself, describe it here. Why would you choose the things that you choose? Do a very rough sketch in paint and paste your picture here.

i would choose the things i choose because it means alot to me and i am super john to the rescue.

If you could create any static cling for your car window or bedroom window, what would it look like and why? Be specific! Tell me the colors too! it would be the best on ever and it would say no trash or its your a**. it would have trash cans on it and some flies flying around it. the colors would be black and gray mostly with a little bit of color in it not to much though more like a cartoon.

You may choose your favorite vacation spot or your favorite sports team. You might even want your personal GHS sports team and number. Do a very rough sketch in paint and paste your picture here.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

My Game " Slam Ball"

slam ball is my game and i created it because it is fun and exciting for everyone of the age limit to play. slam ball is a game designed for people to play and take the game of basketball to the extreme. it involves bone-crushing, head splitting, mind jolting, and grusom, actions never seen before in the game of basketball. i rate this game M for mature because of the graphic in the game is to violent for some users to see. this game is designed for users to take control of the game and exceed the players highest expectations. this game is designed to play on any game system so that anyone of the age limit can play. game systems include playstation 2, x box, playstation 3, x box 360
sprites of this game are: players- they are the main sprite of the game, and are the outcome of who wins the game, trampoline- is the sprite in which the players use to exceed their highest expectations on their jumping ability, ball- the players use this to score and hopefully win the game, basket- is the sprite used for the players to shoot in and or jamm it in.
i choose to allow this game to be played on any system so that anyone who has a game system can play it and it not just be restricted to one gaming system.
I designed this game so that people can take the game of basketball to the limits in which it has never been before and have a challenging obstacle along the way.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Bubble Shooter Game

The objectivebehind this game is that you have to shoot the colored bubbles to the same colored bubbles to combine three in a row for them to bust. if there is more connected to the trio then more of the bubbles will bust