Friday, November 20, 2009

Cyber Bullying

Name: John Gibson

Article link:

Article Title: The Effects of Cyber Bullying: Teen Takes His Own Life
Summary: Awhile ago 13 year old son Ryan took his own life. Ryan was an outwardly happy -go-lucky kid with two loving and supportive parents. Ryan did not leave a note and his peers at school did not give the counselors and police any logical reason for his actions. Ryan had been Imed by another boy who had been sexual harassing him in harsh ways.
2nd Paragraph: I think that he should have not tried to bully back because that had only made the situation worse. I don’t agree that it was the computers fault that he had killed himself I believe that the people he talked to and had back to back conversations with had a lot to do with his death.
3rd Paragraph: The article never said anything on the boy who had been bullying Ryan, never said a name or anything. Ryan the one who was being bullied nights after the last incident of the bullying had taken his own life.
4th Paragraph: His parents could have been contacted and they could have been aware of the bullying if Ryan would have told them. Ryan could have just ignored the bully and not try and bully him back.
5th Paragraph: This applies to me because I believe that this could happen to anyone in the world including me, but I believe that I would not go and take my own life for what someone else thinks of me. This could effect my family because if I was ever being bullied I would be sure to notify them and let them know what is going on so that maybe they could put a stop to it so that I would not have to deal with it.


  1. I did the same story and a lot was left out of this one. I do agree with paragraph #4

  2. it is sad people will make fun of others just to make them feel good or get a good laugh.

  3. I don't think its right when people try and bully others. Its really sad when they try to do that, and someone gets hurt.

  4. Same story as Lee's. Sad story. I agree with what you said though.

  5. I do not see the point of harrasing someone. It is a waste of time, and why would you want to hurt someone in the first place. This is just sad.
